Thursday, June 25, 2015

Climate change myth-busting resources for all!

It was a success!
The Edx MOOC Denial101x Making Sense of Climate Science Denial was a huge success.  We have a 69 page document with student praise and lists of what they learned.  We have videos from students  all over the world talking about how it made a difference in their lives, here's a compilation of some favorites:

It really makes me feel like all of the hard work was worth it!  I spent most weekends this semester working on this course.  Plus, I made a lot of new friends that I hope to continue to work with in the future.  Thanks to John Cook for inviting me to participate!

The videos and the course live on for all to use!
Luckily, it wasn't just a one-time event.  We have the course sitting in self-paced mode so anyone can drop in and check it out:  (It goes live July 1.)  It's still free, you still only need an email address to participate.  You also still don't have to worry about your grades because it's a MOOC.  There's really nothing to lose!

Here's where you come in.  One of our team goals is to make sure that these videos live on and are tweeted, posted on Facebook, and shared any time these myths pop up in main stream media.  Imagine a comments section that's out of control somewhere.  All you have to do is drop the proper video and your point is made!  Imagine every time Donald Trump tweets about it being cold outside so global warming doesn't exist, if his followers would just reply by dropping the video or even just the infographic that proves him wrong.  Frankly, I feel like I explain the same climate myths over and over and over again and I look forward to video-dropping knowledge to save myself some time (and sanity).

This means that the skeptical science team is working to embed these videos into the existing myth debunking system on their website.  We're working on other easy ways to make sure teachers can find our videos and use them in class.  Luckily, all of our videos are freely available on YouTube.

Here's a playlist of the videos I made (hey, it's my blog, I get to self-promote!):  Heat Waves, Wavy Jet Stream, Sea Level Rise, Extreme Weather, Weather vs Climate models, Water Vapor Amplifies Warming, and IPCC Underestimates.

Here's the Denial101x playlists for all of the weeks in the course:

Here's the full list of videos in case you are looking for something specific:

Week 1:  Overview of the climate controversy

Consensus of evidence
Consensus of scientists
Consensus of papers
From the experts: Scientific consensus
Knowledge based consensus
Vested interests
Dragons of inaction
Ideological bias
From the experts: Psychology of denial
Manufacturing doubt
From the experts: Skepticism vs Denial
Media balance-as-bias
Five characteristics of science denial
From the experts: Spread of denial
From the experts: Attack on science
Week 1 wrap up
Full interview with Ben Santer
Full interview with Naomi Oreskes
Full interview with Peter Doran
Full interview with Stephan Lewandowsky
Full interview with Lawrence Hamilton
Full interview with Katharine Hayhoe
Full interview with Michael Mann
Full interview with Eugenie Scott
Scientific Method
Full interview with Ritayan Mitra

Week 2:  Global warming is happening

Week 2 overview
Heat build-up
Hot records
Shrinking glaciers
Greenland ice loss
Antarctic land ice vs sea ice
Cryosphere: Expert Interviews
Building a robust temperature record
Heat in the city
Wavy jet stream
Climate change vs global warming
From the experts: Full interview with Phil Jones
Week 2 wrap up
From the experts: Full interview with Jonathan Bamber
From the experts: Full interview with Fabrice Calmels
From the experts: Full interview with Antoni Lewkowicz
From the experts: Full interview with Eric Rignot
From the experts: Full interview with Lonnie Thompson
From the experts: Full interview with Isabella Velicogna

Week 3:  We are causing global warming

Week 3 overview
Upsetting natural balance
The CO2 rise is man man-made
Taking up residence
From the experts: Carbon cycle
The greenhouse effect
Increasing the greenhouse effect
Reinforcing feedback
From the experts: Greenhouse effect
Structure of our atmosphere
Measuring from space
Daily and yearly cycle
Week 3 wrap up
Full interview with Corinne Le Quéré
Full interview Ed Hawkins
Full interview with Steve Sherwood
Full interview with Luke Barnard
Full interview with Joanne House
Full interview Mike Lockwood
Full interview with Bill Ruddiman

Week 4:  The past tells us about the future

Week 4 Overview
Message from the past
The Little Ice Age
Ancient CO2 levels
From the experts: The past
Medieval warm period
Confused decline
From the experts: The decline
Principles that models are built on
Success stories
Weather vs climate
Climate science in 1970s
Future ice age
Tendency to underestimate climate impacts
From the experts: Climate Models
Week 4 wrap up
The Climate of Middle Earth: Part 1
Full interview with Tim Osborn
Full interview with Andy Pitman
Full interview with Greg Webb
Full interview with Katrin Meissner
Full interview with David Stevens

Week 5:  We are feeling the impacts of climate change

Week 5 overview
Climate is sensitive
Water vapor amplifies warming
The role of clouds in climate change
Methane clathrate feedback
Adaptation takes time
From the experts: Ecological impacts
Polar bears
Ocean acidification
From the experts: Coral bleaching and ocean acidification
Overall impacts
Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant
Agricultural impacts
From the experts: Impacts on society
Extreme weather
Heat waves
Week 5 wrap up
Making sense of the slowdown
The Climate of Middle Earth: Part 2
Full interview with Richard Alley
Full interview with Charlie Veron
Full interview with Annamieke Van De Heuvel
Full interview with Sir David Attenborough
Full interview with Christine Hoskings
Full interview with Kevin Trenberth

Week 6:  Responding to denial

Week 6 overview
Vocal Minority
Worldview Backfire Effect
From the experts: Psychology of denial
Inoculation Theory
Sticky science
Flu Shots
From the experts: Debunking
From the experts: Climate metaphors
Week 6 wrap up
The Climate of Middle Earth: Part 3
Full interview with Dan Lunt
Full interview with Simon Donner
Full interview with Ullrich Ecker
Full interview with Michael Ranney
Full interview with Courtney St. John
Full interview with Mark McCaffrey

Please help us share these videos, especially with teachers who are encouraged to use them in their classes.  Enjoy!

Citation for MOOC:

Cook, J., Schuenemann, K., Nuccitelli, D., Jacobs, P., Cowtan, K., Green, S., Way, R., Richardson, M., Cawley, G., Mandia, S., Skuce, A., & Bedford, D. (April 2015). Making Sense of Climate Science Denial. edX

Update:  Here's a more detailed version of the above list: