Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I live in Boulder, but commute to Denver five days a week.  This means that I am commuting two hours a day.  I do a combination of things on the bus.  I might randomly get on the same bus as another Earth and Atmospheric Science professor, three of which take the same route to school every day, and chat with them about teaching.  I might correct labs or homework, since I get about 50 a week that need correcting.  I might put on some classical music and brainstorm about research, pedagogy, my to-do list, or just ways to get a concept across.  Most likely, though, you will find me listening to podcasts.  Podcasts act as my news source, particularly science news. 

Here is a list of my favorite science podcasts.  I highly recommend subscribing to them for free via iTunes and putting them on your ipod the next time you sync it.  Give them a listen!  It's a great way to keep sharp.  Oh, and the next time you see me with my headphones in, instead of assuming I'm rocking out to music, wonder what I'm learning about science!

Science Podcasts
Skeptic's Guide to the Universe (your escape to reality)
Science Friday
60-second Science
Science Magazine
NPR Topics - Science

Education Podcast
American Radio Works